Effortless Power

Some things you should know about, energy, net zero and productivity


  • The Solar Eclipse

    The Solar Eclipse

    Solar is so much cheaper than every other generation technology and getting cheaper. Is it inevitable and wonderful that the entire world will end up running on solar power connected across the world? We are in the mid stages of a global energy revolution where we are moving to using almost 100% renewable energy. We…

  • Climate Change Policies need to understand how Energy Systems Work

    Climate Change Policies need to understand how Energy Systems Work

    There is a lot of stuff going on in the world of energy in buildings and we are slowly moving in the right direction. We have tried every other option, but we are finally acknowledging that we need to electrify heating in almost all buildings. The Building Regulation updates are going to lock that in…

  • Autonomous Vehicles – Good for Us, Bad for Government

    Autonomous Vehicles – Good for Us, Bad for Government

    Elon Musk confirms Tesla is overpriced As Tesla’s share price has begun to fall towards a more natural level of valuation, I heard Elon Musk justifying a higher share price on the basis that investors “have to believe Tesla is going to solve autonomous vehicles”. It made me laugh, because if he is right, (and…

  • What if you aren’t windy or sunny?

    What if you aren’t windy or sunny?

    The future of our global energy system is largely electrified, and that electricity will mostly come from solar or wind power. Both technologies are clean, cheap/very cheap and will get cheaper. If you are a country with lots of wind and a bit of solar, (UK) or a country with lots of solar but little…

  • The Energy Transition Impact on Geopolitics

    The Energy Transition Impact on Geopolitics

    I have been thinking about the big picture of the geopolitics of energy for a while and this was turbocharged when I read the book Prisoners of Geography. The author looks at ten regions, Western Europe, Russia, China, Arctic, etc. and considers how geography has and continues to lock them into policies and situations. It…

  • Could batteries save the rail system?

    Could batteries save the rail system?

    This article by Chris Wood at WSP, reminded me to write about how batteries may save the rail system and taxpayers a lot of money. I have written before how I think public transport will decline due to a combination of electrification and automation. Firstly electrification makes car travel super cheap. Today that is because…

Interesting websites

Energy Storage Ninja
Amazing site to explore energy storage options and which works best, when.